The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance
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Founded in 1999, The Value Alliance has provided education, information, and advisory services to directors and executives from hundreds of companies including large Fortune 500 multinationals as well as smaller entrepreneurial start-ups, both publicly traded and privately held corporations, and both taxable and tax exempt organizations. We help our clients anticipate change, manage risks, and seize innovative opportunities. Our solutions are delivered by authors and leading authorities in corporate governance and value, whose work and expertise in corporate governance and long term value creation is recognized both in the US and internationally.


Over the years, our clients have consistently cited our ability to improve their results and effectiveness by, first and foremost, listening carefully and understanding their unique context.


They tell us they find our approach to engagement to be comprehensive, flexible, innovative, and forward thinking.


They cite our senior level experience and insightful, responsive professionalism.


And they note our effectiveness in building consensus to arrive at solutions and process approaches that anticipate change and effectively manage the needs of all constituents in a way that promotes trust, respect, and, ultimately, superior results.



Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance

Eleanor Bloxham is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Value Alliance Company and the Corporate Governance Alliance, a board and senior executive education, information, and advisory firm.


Considered one of the foremost thinkers on the role of corporations and their governance, she has been called “one of America’s great commentators on corporate governance and the proper behavior of corporations (and those that manage them), [among just] a handful that would qualify … [such as] Robert Monks, or [the late] Jack Bogle.” The approach she developed for managing and valuing firms has been featured in the book Valuation as its own unique approach to valuing and managing a company. She is recognized internationally as an authority on corporate governance and valuation.


She is an author, educator, speaker and advisor to organizations on governance, public policy and board related matters. She has provided information and advisory services to the largest global and Fortune 500 firms and other smaller organizations, with a focus on the kinds of information and processes boards, senior leaders, lenders, and investors need to do their jobs, in their analytic, oversight and strategic capacities.


As a corporate advisor, she helps organizations to improve their performance and their relationships with internal and external stakeholders, working with CEOs and boards of directors to help them anticipate change and establish programs and practices that effectively manage risk, and encourage innovation.


She has written extensively on the topics of governance, value, public policy and economics. She is the author of two books, Value-led Organizations and Economic Value Management: Applications and Techniques (published by John Wiley and Sons). Both books have been recommended for CEO, investor and directors' libraries, receiving strong praise from the most prominent governance and value authorities in the US today. Her books have been sold on all five continents and Economic Value Management has been translated into orthodox Chinese. In addition, she is the author of the governance chapter of The Investor Relations Guide (published by Kennedy) and many articles in director, business and financial publications.


She has published Conversations that Build a Bridge of TrustTM, a video library of over 800 taped segments and transcripts which include conversations with directors, CEOs, institutional investors and policy advocates. This library of information is equivalent to 15 full length books on Board and governance topics. She has published (with John M. Nash) The Corporate Governance Alliance Digest, a publication on corporate governance and value topics.


She has been the featured and keynote speaker at major director and investor conferences as well as private forums of directors, CEOs, and investors. She has also been an invited guest lecturer and speaker at numerous universities, including Stanford, Carnegie-Mellon, the University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin, George Washington University, Youngstown State, Ashland and the Ohio State University as well as numerous public and private conferences and seminars across the globe, where she has chaired and spoken on the topics of corporate governance, public policy, economics, performance, value, compensation and risk.


She is frequently called upon to provide commentary and expertise regarding corporate governance, public policy, valuation and board matters to the financial, national and international Press.


Prior to founding The Value Alliance in 1999, she headed a KPMG practice focused on economic value, enterprise risk, corporate strategy and governance, and executive compensation with financial institution clients that spanned the globe. Prior to that, she held executive positions at Prudential Financial Services and at Bank One (now JP Morgan Chase), where she managed strategic, financial, operations, technology, risk assessment and compliance functions. At Prudential she managed domestic and international equity operations for Prudential's general and institutional client accounts as well as its mutual funds, and Prudential’s entry into emerging markets in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. She also built the first-ever expert system for securities law compliance for Prudential's investment advisor. At the time, Prudential was the largest institutional asset manager in the US and the tenth largest mutual fund manager. At Bank One (now JP Morgan Chase), she implemented the first-ever economic value management performance measurement and compensation processes at a major US bank.


She holds a BA in English (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Betta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi) and an MBA in Finance (Stern Scholar, Beta Gamma Sigma).


John M. Nash (Retired) is the Founder and President Emeritus of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and a leading authority on corporate governance. 


Recognized as NACD’s visionary leader and “founding force,” it has been said “there would be no NACD without the dedicated hard work and entrepreneurial vision of John Nash.” From its founding in 1977 and under his Presidency, NACD has been a recognized model worldwide, leading the corporate governance movement of independent directors in the US and representing the largest Fortune 500 as well as closely held and private companies.

Mr. Nash has served as a Board member and audit committee chair, and as an advisor for over 600 companies and Boards, including major international firms. He has served as Vice Chairman for The Center for Board Leadership, a corporate governance think tank, and led seminars attended by more than 5,000 directors. Mr. Nash is called upon by corporations to address their corporate governance issues both in the US and abroad. He lectures extensively on corporate governance issues including in such countries as Australia, Canada, England, France and Japan.

A recognized author, Mr. Nash has written and collaborated on over a dozen corporate governance reference works. As a leading authority on corporate governance, he was the visionary and driving force who launched the highly successful Blue Ribbon Commission Reports that serve as the reference work of Board practices for directors today, including reports on: Audit Committee Practices, Performance Evaluation, Director Professionalism, Director Compensation, Executive Compensation, CEO Succession, Board Role-Strategic Planning and Evaluating Board/Director Performance.

Outside the US, Mr. Nash has advised local and quasi-governmental organizations around the world on establishing processes and programs that promote effective corporate governance. For example, Mr. Nash has advised The Corporate Governance Committee in Japan and Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry, and, was guest speaker on governance at the Japan Center For International Finance, The Japan Association of Corporate Executives, and other forums.

He has been an invited guest speaker on governance at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and has consulted with the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the Australian Investment Managers Group, and Australia’s Independent Shareholder Services. He has been an invited guest lecturer at several conferences sponsored by The Directors Institute of London, the Bank of England, and La regie d’ enterprise Conditions de Succes, has conducted governance programs for the Instituto Brasilerio de Conseljieros DE Administraco, and the Instituto Cultural de Seguridade Social, and conducted seminars on corporate governance for the Association of Corporate Directors of Canada, and many other organizations around the globe.

Prior to founding the National Association of Corporate Directors, Mr. Nash worked on Wall Street, beginning with Goodbody and Co. where he specialized in industrial revenue bond financing and was responsible for over one hundred million in underwriting. From time to time he was responsible for new public offerings and ADRs.

After the acquisition of the municipal bond department by Merrill Lynch, Mr. Nash formed his own company specializing in industrial offerings of ten million and under which were underwritten by such firms as Smith Barney, Prudential Bache, John Nuveen, Kidder Peabody, Harris Bank, First Buffalo Corporation, First of Chicago, CitiBank and numerous others.

Mr. Nash also published The Tax Exempt Municipal Bond Guide For the Individual Investor, The World of Fixed Income, The Investors Guide to Federal Agency and Treasury Securities, and What Every Woman Investor Should Know About Fixed Income Securities. Several million copies of each publication were purchased by just about everyone in the municipal bond business for distribution to customers with their firm imprint. Mr. Nash was also publisher of The Fixed Income Journal a trade publication.


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